I have noticed that I have slowly been making modification to how I run now that summer is here in Arizona. The difference in temperature can be noticeable between being in the sun or the shade. I already have feel like I over heat as is so I need a way to cool down when I am done. Here is a few things I am doing that seem to work.
I make sure to hydrate a lot before the run. I do not like to run with water and I am not running far enough yet that I feel like I need to have some with me. I do know some places at my far turn around point that have a drinking fountain which I do take advantage of.
As I am running I use to get rid of moisture by spiting. But in this heat I do not want to loose any precious fluids so I make sure to swallow all that for now. I know, gross, but it is part of survival in the meat.
I have also adjusted the routes I run. I make sure to choose one that runs perpendicular to the path of the sun. That way I have a better chance of having some shade from trees and buildings. That is huge for sure. I use mapqwest to help me figure out distances and which roads will work the best.
When I get home I am glowing hot. I need to cool down asap. I drink more water first thing back. The thing I have found to be the best way to cool down is to get in water. Pool is best if you can find one to jump in. Water is great at pulling heat away from the body. I know my head feels the hottest so I have to get that in the water. Just hang out under water for a bit. If you do not have a pool then hang out in the shower with cooler temps.
Be safe out there. Keep training.
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